1.         MAIN ROLE


a)    Lead the Council in the identification of its vision, core values and strategic objectives.


b)    Lead the Council to provide visible political leadership in relation to residents, stakeholders and partners in the design, preparation and implementation of Council policies, strategies, budgets and service delivery.


c)    Lead the Council to work in the overall best interests of the local community.


d)    Lead the development of local, regional, National and European policy and strategic partnerships.


e)    Lead on the development and implementation of the Council’s principal policies and plans.


f)     Lead all arrangements for the Council’s political and management structures. 


g)    Promote the development of the local economy.


h)    Promote the Council’s core values and objectives.


i)      Maintain effective working relationships with the Chief Executive, Chief Officers and all employees of the Council.





a)    To appoint members to the Cabinet and to assign to each such Cabinet Member responsibility for a Portfolio.


b)    To chair the Cabinet.


c)    To be the principal political Leader of the Council in developing strategic partnerships with residents, other local authorities, statutory and non-statutory organisations, the Government and its agencies and other stakeholders in relation to the development and implementation of strategic objectives and policies and delivery of services.


d)    To have overall political responsibility for:-


(i)      Strategic policy innovations

(ii)     Design, preparation, implementation and monitoring of the Council’s principal policies and plans.

(iii)    Strategic financial management including the revenue and capital budgets and financial monitoring.

(iv)    Communications with Councillors, employees, residents, stakeholders and all other external organisations.

 (v)    Implementation of new political and management structures to meet any legislative duties placed upon the Council to ensure open and accountable decision-making and effective delivery of services.

(vi)    Development of arrangements to facilitate community consultation and involvement in the Council’s decision-making processes.

(vii)   Human resource planning, with particular reference to ensuring maintenance of good employee relations, employee training and development policies and implementing systems for performance appraisal of all employees.


e)   To undertake those tasks and take those decisions in respect of the duties for which the Leader assumes personal responsibility.